Signs You Should Turn Your Side Job to Something Permanent

Every time you read a blog post about side jobs, you may be reminded of when your parents would tell me to stop dreaming. They were so sure that there was no future in having two jobs, and they didn’t want their daughter following in their footsteps. But now, people are reversing course. Here are reasons you should convert your side job into a full-time job.

The Industry Is Growing

With the launch of Gigwalk and Etsy, more people are starting to become aware that there is a whole underground scene for side jobs. Underground jobs have never reached mainstream because most employers want full-time employees instead of part-time workers. However, as the economy goes down and unemployment rates rise, organizations such as ASFA will start looking at freelancers or contractors who can work on their terms.

The industry is growing. If you are trying to make money from your side job, it is a good sign for the industry. As more people get used to freelance and independent work in general, there will be an increased number of opportunities that come along with this trend.

You Are Not Satisfied With Your Current Job

A side job can be a way to supplement your primary income. Still, if it is more of an escape from what you are doing during the day, it might make sense to give up this temporary situation and turn your interest into something permanent if your personal work  is gaining some attention.

When you are not satisfied with your current job, you are more likely to be proactive with your side work. Conversely, satisfaction is an excellent indicator that you might want to turn your side gig into a new career.

You Want To Have Less on Your Table

You are tired of the long hours and high-stress levels. You feel like you spend more time at your job than with your family, friends or loved ones and need to prioritize mommy time. Maybe it is time to take a considerable leap and switch career paths into something that will provide a better work-life balance for yourself?

Find out which skills are needed most in analytics jobs and how to acquire them or improve your existing ones. As data science becomes more important, so does the need for professionals who can do anything from collecting, preparing, and analyzing data with cutting-edge tools and machine learning algorithms.

While there is a lot of freedom in having several side jobs, it can be challenging to manage all the responsibilities and keep each business afloat. In addition, if you’re suffering from burnout or want less on your plate, doing one job into many may not be worth it anymore.

You Are Financially Prepared

If you feel like your side job supports or supplements what you make at another job, then it’s probably time to consider making the transition. That way, if something happens with whatever primary source of income that supports your lifestyle, then you can fall back on an emergency fund that is already established with a side gig and you don’t end up running out of money because your finances are not in order..


In conclusion, there are many reasons why you should turn your side job into a full-time career. If the industry is growing, if you are not satisfied with your current job or situation, this would be an excellent choice if you want less on your table and be financially prepared for it.


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