Seasoning Tricks to Make Your Food Incredible

A teaspoon too much chili and your food will be too hot for comfort. Not enough? And your chili is going to be more like a bolognese sauce. Once you start to get that sweet spot, you will notice that each of the flavors in your food will come forward, and your food will have layers to it too.

When it comes to great-tasting food, there is richness and depth – but it is never too much.

So here are some seasoning tips to help you master the art of flavor.



You might think that salt is salt is salt. But each type of salt brings different flavors and textures to your food. Kosher salt dissolves quickly – and is usually the go-to salt for most recipes. But if you use table salt instead of kosher salt – you’re probably using too much. Table salt is finer, so there is more of it on the spoon when you add it to a dish compared with Kosher. 


Coarse salt or large crystal salts are better to finish the dish but not great for baking – while table salt is ideal for baking. 


Learn your salts



If you throw in your spices straight from the jar – you’re missing a trick! Toast your whole spices to bring out their aroma and oils. It’s a quick job and adds more flavor than you might expect. Add your whole spices to a pan, warm the pan and swirl them. Once you can smell them, remove them from the pan, so they don’t burn. 



You love your favorite Italian, Caribbean, and Asia dishes because of the spice mixtures. Before cooking any meal, check the spices list and buy the right spices and seasoning. 


By using seasonings you haven’t heard of, you’ll get closer to the depth of flavor that really makes the dishes special. If you aren’t confident at mixing dry spices into pastes, then getting jars of Asian sauces, Caribbean paste mixes, and more can help you get what you are looking for in terms of quality. 



Sugar has a bad reputation, but the truth is a pinch of sugar in even the most savory dishes adds depth to the flavors. The best marinara in the world will have a pinch of sugar, and the most delicious savory dishes will also have a pinch or more of sugar. Sugar enhances flavor and, when paired with salt, brings the dish to life. 


Dry and Fresh

If you adore fresh herbs in your food, then make sure you are adding them at the right place. Dried herbs work better being toasted and then added to things like soup and stews as they are cooking so they can release their flavors. In contrast, fresh herbs give a big burst of flavor and are better added to the final dish. Pop them on the top for maximum enjoyment. 


For the best tips on just how important salt, fat, acid, and heat are – check out the program by the same name on Netflix. 


Here is a stack of delicious recipes to get you started: Recipes Archives – Mommy Makes Time




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