How Can Your Family Reduce Its Food Waste?

Food waste is currently one of the biggest problems in modern society. It is shown by the fact 119 billion pounds of food is wasted annually in the U.S. alone. Frankly, we all need to do better, and now is the perfect time for your household to make positive changes.


It may seem like a difficult challenge to take on. In reality, though, small upgrades can yield big improvements. Here are four simple suggestions that can lead you to success.


Reuse Your Leftovers


The leftovers that you put in the trash may not seem like a big deal. Over the course of a week, though, they soon add up. Not least when you have a large family. Therefore, finding ways to reuse your leftovers is one of the best ways to significantly reduce your waste. This homemade pork fried rice recipeis a great example of how the food you don’t serve up can be used later in the week. Even if it means cooking a little extra than you would normally, the fact you’ll get two meals out of it will save food and money in the long run.


Meanwhile, some leftovers can be used to fertilize plants or be added to your compost.


Grow Fresh Produce At Home


Another common cause for high volumes of food waste comes courtesy of store-bought food with a short shelf life. Fruit and veg are the most likely culprits, especially as you often have to purchase greater quantities than are needed. Learning to grow your own produce in the backyard will help you trim your food waste down. Moreover, you will have access to the freshest ingredients available. This will take your home-cooked meals to an even greater level, thus helping you rediscover your love of cooking.


On a side note, storing food so that it stays fresher for longer will serve you well. 


Place A Greater Focus On Breakfast


Do you often find that your eyes are bigger than your stomach when preparing your evening meal? It may be due to the fact that you haven’t consumed enough throughout the day. Opting for breakfasts that will keep you fuller for longer will prevent this problem. Instead of cooking huge dinners that you can’t finish, you’ll be more likely to choose light snacks. Aside from reducing your food waste, it translates to improved sleep. Not least because you won’t experience heartburn from being horizontal after a big meal.


A bigger breakfast can additionally keep you energized and in a positive mood. 


Record Your Grocery Habits


Following the same processes and expecting different results is the definition of madness. As well as altering your eating habits, you may need to adjust your shopping habits. For starters, if you tend to hit the store when hungry, it’s likely you’ll buy more than you need. This will consequently see your food waste levels soar. Keeping a food diary to record what you actually consume in a week or month can guide future purchases. And when you don’t have excess food in the home, food waste will be far smaller.


It’ll protect the environment as well as your finances. The sweet taste of success awaits


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