Could Getting Outside More Make You Healthier?

It’s safe to say that we’re all a little more health-conscious these days. We’re more aware than ever of what lifestyle choices and unhealthy habits can affect us, and things that we need to try and do less of. But other than exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping well, are there other things that we could be doing?



In short, yes there is. Because getting outside more, and specifically into nature, can work wonders for your health – and your happiness too. But what is it about the outside that is so good for us? And how can we get more of it? In this blog post, we’re going to find out.

The Power of Fresh Air

To begin with, we never want to underestimate just how powerful fresh air can be. It’s easy to think that we just need rest and we’ll be able to feel more energized and relaxed – but being cooped up indoors can often be bad for us. Instead, being able to get out and enjoy some fresh air (as well as sunshine on our skin) can do wonders for your oxygen levels, your energy levels, and even your sleep quality too.

Calming Nature

Next up, we’re going to want to take a look at just how calming it is to be in nature. The stillness, the quiet, the birdsong – it’s all very nurturing for the mind and soul. Whether you want to enjoy your morning coffee in the quiet of your garden or head out on a walk with your vortex binoculars to spot rare birds, you’ll feel better for it. Nature is the ultimate elixir.

Moving Our Bodies More

Now, by putting two and two together, we can often see that getting outside more is also going to allow us to start moving our bodies more. And exercise is only ever going to make you healthier. This is going to be so beneficial for you both mentally and physically. It can be as simple as going for a walk every day. By bringing in this habit, you’ll definitely see an improvement in how you feel.

Clearing Our Minds

As we mentioned above, nature is incredibly calming. In fact, studies have shown that nature can help our mental health tremendously. If your mind often feels cluttered, you might want to do something about that. Being out in nature, going for walks, sitting in the garden – whatever works for you, can be just what you need to quieten your thoughts and improve your mental health.

Finding Pleasure and Enjoyment

Finally, you’ll often find that you get to enjoy a lot of happiness when you’re outside. Whether it’s via a picnic with friends, hiking in a beautiful spot, or just reading in the garden, the calmness and relaxation it brings are not to be scoffed at. Plus, you’ll often take a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment from the activities that you’re doing outside too – so you’ll want to make them more of a priority.


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