CBD Tinctures, and How to Use Them



There has been much discussion swirling around CBD in recent years. Many people swear by CBD’s helpful properties and think it can be used for a wide range of reasons. Others are a little skeptical, simply believing that all of the hype around CBD is unfounded and untrue. Studies seem to point to CBD having some benefit for users, although it certainly isn’t a cure-all. Many people are familiar with the traditional methods of taking CBD such as oil droplets and vaping, but are still unaware of other methods of intake. One of the more interesting methods of taking CBD is through the use of a tincture. What is a tincture and how does it affect you? How does a tincture differ from other methods of taking CBD? Let’s take a look. 


Tinctures Defined

Herbal tinctures like CBD require a complicated process in order to extract a specific compound. In the case of a CBD tincture, water and alcohol are mixed together in order to extract the CBD from a plant. The tinctures are made from strains with high CBD content, meaning that they’re decently potent and can provide some great relief. 



Much like oil, CBD tinctures are placed under the tongue and then swallowed. Simply take a few drops under the tongue and swallow. You can adjust the potency of the CBD you’re taking by adjusting the number of drops that you swallow. This is a major advantage of this type of CBD consumption, as other products like CBD edibles don’t allow you to control the amount you intake. Having a tincture can be a great method of CBD intake as it has several more advantages. Tinctures usually have a long shelf life, so you don’t have to worry about using the entire product before it goes bad and expires. Tinctures are also much more accessible and easier to use, making them a much better on-the-go option than CBD dabs. Finally, since there’s no inhaling of smoke, the use of CBD tinctures doesn’t have the health risks that vaping CBD may come with. As a result, using tinctures may be one of the top ways to consume CBD. 



CBD has gained its popularity through its wide range of health benefits. First, CBD has been known to have calming benefits, being very important in treatment for mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Mental illnesses are known to be especially tricky to treat and control, so CBD is extremely valuable in the fight for better natural mental health. CBD also has a slew of physical benefits as well, as CBD products can be used to fight pain and inflammation. CBD has some great anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for injuries and even skincare. Finally, CBD has been shown to be able to help with epilepsy, even forms that were previously thought to be untreatable by drugs. Using CBD is relatively safe and there are no major side effects known right now. However, that doesn’t mean that CBD is a cure-all and should be taken in excessive amounts. CBD can be a great and helpful product when used correctly, and tinctures are a great way to take in those benefits.


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