7 Habits Every Healthy and Happy Family Should Have

If you’re the type of person who looks on social media regularly, you will see that many people are trying to form healthier habits for themselves and their families. However, don’t be fooled by the facade you see online; you don’t need to wake up at 5am, invest in expensive journals or live in a mansion to enjoy a healthy, productive and fulfilled life. In many ways, it comes down to the simple things such as diet, exercise and mental health. Your number one priority will always be taking care of your loved ones, whether you’re cooking healthier meals or you’re encouraging them to get outdoors more and enjoy exercise. There are so many small and meaningful habits that can shape a healthy life, so consider some of the following ideas today.

  1. A Morning Routine

Everyone, especially children, can benefit from having a structured and motivating morning routine. No matter how small or simple these steps are, they can set you up for the day in a positive way. Whether your child writes down one of their goals for the day, or you sit quietly and drink your coffee before the household wakes up, there are so many ways you can establish a happy morning routine for yourself.

  1. Wholesome Meals and Snacks

Eating a wholesome and balanced diet is very important when it comes to maintaining your health. From the moment you wake up, your body needs to be fuelled with protein-rich and nutritious food. Whether you’re trying out the best homemade venison jerky recipe for your afternoon snacks, or you’re attempting a savory oatmeal with eggs sunny side up, there are a number of ways in which you can introduce healthier foods into your day to day routine.

  1. Exercise

It’s a no-brainer that exercise can work wonders when it comes to improving your overall health and happiness. The endorphins that are released when you move your body can set you up on a positive note for the rest of the day. Whether you’re attending a boxing class or simply walking the dog first thing in the morning, that short session of exercise will always set you up positively.

  1. Less Screen Time

Being attached to a screen or your phone can be detrimental to your mental health, especially when you find yourself comparing your life to others’ online. This can also be extremely damaging to teenagers too, as it can lower their self esteem. Reducing screen time and being more present is a sure-fire way to improve the happiness of your family.

  1. Intentional Eating

Sitting down to eat a homemade meal is something that many of us take for granted. Sometimes you find yourself engrossed in the latest television series or you’re eating one-handing whilst answering work emails on your laptop. Instead of multi-tasking, take a moment to eat your meals with intention. This will not only help you to savor your meals, but it can also prevent you from overeating too.

  1. Meditation and Quiet Time

Enjoying some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, is a great way to improve your happiness and mental health. Download a mediation app and enjoy the guided meditations they have to offer. This can help you to switch off after a busy day or drift off to sleep when your mind is racing with thoughts at the end of your work week.

  1. Good Sleep Hygiene

You may not know it yet, but your sleep hygiene can have an adverse effect on the quality of your overall sleep, which can lead to negative behaviors and habits during the daytime. Making sure your room temperature is comfortable and you have a good wind-down routine at the end of the day, are just some of the methods that can improve your overall sleep hygiene.

So, with all of these ideas in mind your family will soon be the healthiest and happiest they can possibly be. As well as eating nutritious meals and trying out meditations whenever you can, it is also very important to reduce the amount of stress in your life as much as possible. Although this may be easier said than done, you will struggle to maintain a calm, balanced and happy life if you are often surrounded by stressful people and situations. Keeping a simple journal each day will help you to pinpoint these stresses and give you some insight into what is making you feel happy or anxious in your life. Although you may not be able to transform your life in an instant, you will be able to make positive changes and small steps by introducing some of the habits mentioned above.


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