10 Tips to Prepare You For Giving Birth



Having a baby is one of the most beautiful parts of human existence. Bringing a new life into the world and introducing your new baby to everything it has to offer. It’s a huge milestone in any woman’s life and a moment many adults have dreamt of since they were young.

But it can be a daunting prospect too. Childbirth is often associated with pain and discomfort, and new mothers may be nervous about the responsibilities involved with looking after a baby. You don’t want to spend nine months feeling stressed and anxious about childbirth. You should be excited and overjoyed.

To help you reduce the stress and worry around giving birth and to help you look forward to meeting your baby, here are ten tips to prepare you for giving birth.

Create a pregnancy calendar

If you’ve never given birth before, pregnancy will be a new and alien experience to you. It can be uncomfortable, painful, and frustrating at times, but if you know what to expect you will be better prepared to deal with any new sensations whenever they arise. It’s a good idea to create a pregnancy calendar that will outline everything that will happen to your body during each week or trimester of the process. It will tell you what stage of development your unborn baby is at and reassure you that everything you are going through is perfectly normal. Use a pregnancy calculator to work out when you are due, and this will help you keep to a more accurate timeframe. That way, there will be no surprises.

Join a class

Many prospective mothers take childbirth classes to prepare them for labor. There are several classes available all over the country, run by labor nurses or certified childbirth educators. It’s a good idea to sign up for a class, as you will learn all the basics of the labor process and what you can expect to happen on the big day. The class will give you tips and techniques for making childbirth as comfortable as possible and ways to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You will be able to ask any questions you may have and settle any nagging worries in your mind. There are likely to be some class members who are already mothers so you will be around people who know what they are doing and can give you all the advice you need. If you have a partner, you should bring them along too as the more they know about the process, the better equipped they will be to help you when you need it most.


When the time comes to give birth, the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be. Spending nine months on edge will only make things harder. It’s important to be relaxed throughout your pregnancy, for the sake of your and your baby’s health. Don’t exert yourself too much during this time, and if you are still working, talk to your boss about reducing your workload before you go on maternity leave. Don’t feel pressured to work too hard or keep up the same level of exercise as before. Listen to your body and learn to recognize when it needs a break. Meditation and yoga can be excellent methods to relieve anxiety and calm the nerves.

Prepare your body

The human body is a remarkable thing, and it’s an incredible feat of nature that a mother can grow a human being inside her and release it into the world. Giving birth can be painful, and the level of discomfort varies from person to person. But there are ways you can prepare your body to make labor easier and reduce the discomfort. Although you should refrain from exerting yourself too much during pregnancy, joining an antenatal exercise class or learning some pregnancy yoga poses can be a great way to build the flexibility, strength, and stamina needed for labor. 

Start to Learn About the Developmental Milestones of Childhood

Eventually, you’re going to have to transition from being a pregnant woman to being a new mother. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the processes of pregnancy and the steps towards childbirth. But sooner or later, you’ll need to learn about child development and parenting, especially if this is your first child. A guide to pediatric developmental milestones will help you a lot.

Create a birth plan

All births are different. You can have water births, Caesareans, inductions, and even a home birth. The type of birth you choose is up to you, but make sure you have it planned out well in advance and let your midwife and birthing partner know ahead of time.

Buy baby essentials

A baby requires a lot of equipment and supplies, so make sure your household is stocked up with all the essentials before you bring them home. You don’t want to have to go shopping for baby products on your first day of motherhood. There will be so many things you’ll need but don’t worry about getting them all at once. As long as you have the essential items ready, you can get the rest when you have time. The most important supplies are baby food, formula, nappies, changing items, a crib, and clothing. 

Pack your hospital bag

When your water breaks and you need to go to the hospital, it will probably catch you off guard. You don’t want to have to start rushing around the house looking for clean underwear and your contact lens case. In the last few weeks of your pregnancy, make sure you always have a hospital bag packed and ready to go in case you need it. It’s a good idea to have this ready well in advance because you never know if your little one might make an early appearance. This way, as soon as you know they’re on their way, you can grab the bag and head to the hospital.


Exactly what you keep in this bag will be up to you, but you might want to consider some comfortable bedclothes, drinks, snacks, and a blanket for your new baby.

Get your travel arrangements sorted

As well as packing your bag, you will also need a way of getting to the hospital. It’s not a good idea to drive yourself when you’re in the process of giving birth so it would be wise to have someone around who can give you a ride. If you have a partner at home they will no doubt take up the role of chauffeur, so they should make sure they refrain from drinking in this critical time. Have a backup plan such as a neighbor or family friend in case your partner is unavailable, and keep the numbers of some local taxi companies close by as a last resort.

Get plenty of sleep

When your little one arrives, you will have plenty of sleepless nights to look forward to. Therefore it would be wise to get as much rest as possible before you give birth. Once your baby is born, you will struggle to get your eight hours a night, but there are some techniques that will help you. You may not be able to enjoy a fixed sleep schedule for a while, so try to have a snooze whenever your baby drops off. Don’t be afraid to ask others to help with childcare every now and then so that you can get some much-deserved rest.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Every mother has to start somewhere, so don’t worry if you feel unprepared for parenthood. Every parent has doubts at some point, but they find their feet and learn to make it work. You may make mistakes at times but over time you will learn how to do it. Being a mother is a constant learning experience and nobody on the planet could claim to be perfect. Just do your best and everything will work out in the end.


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