Yum Earth Organic Valentine’s Day Lollipop Giveaway

Disclosure: We were provided with this product to facilitate a review. All opinions are my own. Mommy Makes Time is not responsible for prize fulfillment.

Yum Earth

I love Valentine’s Day. I mean I know that it’s not the most important holiday of the year but I love it just the same. I mean it’s a holiday about love. Even before I was married I loved the idea of the holiday. Now that I’m happily married with kids, I love it even more.

The downfall of Valentine’s Day? The sweet treats. Between the chocolate and all the different candies, Valentine’s Day can really turn into a sugary tummy ache. We seriously limit the intake of sweet treats that we allow our kids. I want them to have the healthiest start possible but without making them feel like their missing out. Yum Earth is perfect. They get the sweets that all kids love and I don’t feel bad about giving them a treat.

We’re giving Yum Earth Organic Lollipops this year for Valentine’s Day. Perfect treat without having to guess on the ingredients. YumEarth Organics Lollipops are made with real fruit juice and other planet-friendly and natural ingredients. They contain no artificial colors or flavors and no major allergens (no gluten, nuts and dairy). They also do not contain high-fructose corn syrup. Each serving provides 100% of daily vitamin C and has less than 70 calories. That’s a treat I can get behind.

YumEarth Organics Lollipops come in a bag of 30+ Lollipops with 32 stickers. The stickers are super cute and can be addressed to the other kids in class. It’s the perfect Valentine (and they aren’t just giving a piece of paper that will get tossed in the trash). There are 8 delicious flavors: Wet-face Watermelon, TooBerry Blueberry, Sour Apple Tart, Pomegranate Pucker, Mango Tango, Googly Grape, Strawberry Smash and Very Very Cherry. My favorite is the Sour Apple and my kids love them all.


You can find all the store locations and information on all their awesome products at the Yum Earth website. Yum Earth is also generously sponsoring a giveaway for my awesome readers. Enter below to win your own bag of Yum Earth Organics Valentine’s Lollipops.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


16 comments on “Yum Earth Organic Valentine’s Day Lollipop Giveaway

  1. NONA

    would love to try some! Never tried it! Also good amount for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lauren

    Dark chocolate is my favorite, but my kids would love these candies.

  3. marie yoon

    my fav treat would be cucakes !!! and what a wonderful giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Sarah M

    Awesome giveaway! I love their Sour beans – they are delicious!

  5. Stephanie

    These are my favorite! Esp the Watermelon!

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