You’re doing something right.

As moms we have a vast array of things to worry about from the moment our eyes open in the morning until the moment they close (and let’s be realistic you’re stressing in your sleep). Why with everything we legitimately have to worry about do we cause ourselves so much unneeded stress?

Here’s the thing. We all want the best for our children. The best schools, food, clothes, opportunities in life. Is it realistic? No. You’ll drive yourself crazy worrying about every little thing. I say pick what’s most important to you and stick with that. I want my kids to eat healthy. This is a huge priority in my life even though it is the cause of meal time drama. Are my kids always going to eat organic? Not a chance. However, I have taught my three year old that fast food places are garbage store (sorry if I offend any fast food loving fans but it’s honestly not that far off). My 11 month old prefers veggies to anything else . It’s important to me that my kids eat healthy so they won’t have the same struggles. It’s not easy and some days they eat cereal for more than one meal, but I try.

I’m learning to not feel guilty over every little thing that my kids are “supposed” to have. They’re happy, smart, insanely energetic, funny and adorable mini people. I’m doing something right. Pick the things that are important to you and make them priorities. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you can’t give your child everything. It will teach them important life lessons. We don’t want a world full of adults that have always had everything they’ve ever wanted anyway.


6 comments on “You’re doing something right.

  1. Kelly Kimmell

    As a parent, I find that it is not always easy to go against the grain, but in the end it is worth all the effort. Great post.

  2. Danielle

    I know the most important thing to me is that my son get the best education and be socially responsible. So far I think I am doing a great job….LOL

  3. Christy Denton

    This is so true. I’ve heard ‘pick your battles’ before, and never really considered that it applied to my own stresses too. Also. . . yes, we don’t encourage our kids to eat fast food either

  4. Teri

    I agree the first step to being a good parent is to realize you will never be a perfect one and focus on just being great to your children.

  5. Cami

    Thanks for sharing this! Every once in a while I need a reality check that my kids aren’t going to eat 100% organic fruits and veggies. They are happy and healthy and the stress would probably kill me before the occasional pizza does :).

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