Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream Review.


Disclosure: We received this product to facilitate our review. All opinions are our own.

I’ve been trying to get more vitamins in my life and there are some that you just can’t get from food. We all know the benefits of Vitamin D but you can’t get it from a pill form. It’s absorbed form the sunshine and found in a few foods. Vitamin D is essential because it helps the body use calcium from our diets. Without calcium, you’d have brittle bones and terrible teeth.

I love that they found a way to deliver Vitamin D3 through a lotion. I don’t have to worry about getting the sun exposure that I try to avoid due to a history of skin cancer in my family. The correct does is delivered in one pump. Just rub it on your arms and legs once a day and you’re done. I felt great knowing that I could do something to help my health and it literally took no time out of my normal daily routine.

It’s made from all natural ingredients and has no scent. I love this because I can put it on before bed and it doesn’t bother my husband at all (he’s sensitive to scents). It’s a great way to get some extra vitamins into your day.


6 comments on “Vita Sciences Maxasorb Vitamin D3 Cream Review.

  1. Karen Jaras

    I need to try this, I have been looking for something new for my over dry skin.

  2. Linda Manns Linneman

    I will have to try this. I have a low vitamin D level. Thank you for sharing

  3. vickie Couturier

    sounds interesting and something id love to try

  4. Cathy Jarolin

    I would love to try Vita Science Maxasorb Vitamin Skin Cream…Sounds Great! Love the fact that their is no scent to the cream. At least I know the flies and mosquitos won’t be after me from the scent! Thankyou for the awesome Review!!

  5. Crystal Wall

    I use the Melatonin in the cream and I think I would love this Maxasorb just as much. I may try it next. Great review, thanks for sharing.

  6. dari

    I did not know companies were starting to do this, that’s good.

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