How to Turn a Blog Into a Writing Career

It seems everywhere you look, someone has a blog today. Whether it’s a personal soap-box full of rants or a way for businesses to engage customers, blogging is quite a widespread activity. However, not everyone has the capacity to turn their site into a platform for a career. In fact, many of them have no intention of doing so. On the other hand, those who would like to build a career out of the written word can make it happen.

Using the Blog as a Resume Reference

A lot of job positions you’ll come across for writing on the Internet will request a reference article. This is so the employer can see how well you develop content. Most of them may even ask for your blog’s address.

In order for your site to be a great reference point for the resume, it needs to be professional. After all, the content you create will be available for all to see. You want prospective employers, head-hunters and other publishers to see your work and what you can offer.

Keeping the Skills

One of the best uses for a blog is to develop and maintain your skills. As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.” This is true in any regard. The more you blog for yourself in a professional sense, the greater the asset you become.

Many people will choose to center a blog around a specific niche industry. This can help show your skills as a writer as well as demonstrate specific knowledge for a career. In essence, you learn two new marketable skills from a single outlet.

Expanding Your Knowledge

Education goes hand-in-hand with any skillset. Graduating from college, such as the route of Daniel Handler, gives you a base in which you can explore what a blog can do for you. Whether it’s taking writing courses or studying a specific industry you can blog about, it’s all going to be relevant to your goals. Demonstrating in-depth knowledge and talent can take you quite far when delivered in a professional atmosphere.

If you don’t have the money for tuition and don’t want to face college loans, there is nothing wrong with self-teaching a talent online. However, you need to be wary about where you get information from. Not all websites take care when delivering facts and knowledge. The last thing you want is to display false information when trying to develop a writing career.

Sharing on Social Media

Did you know that a large portion of hiring managers take to social media to find talent or research prospective employees? Sharing your blog on such platforms has potential to give you a boost when looking for a career in writing.

Thanks to online technologies, it’s possible to share just about anything today. Promoting yourself in such a fashion is nothing short of marketing. You have to market yourself well if you want to get noticed. This is especially true when you consider the competition you’ll be facing.

Not everyone will fall into a great career and have their works picked up by media developers, such as the works by Handler. However, you will never know unless you give it all you got. Make more out of your blog and see what you can become.

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