RAK it up!

When I started this blog I had the idea of finding more time for me in a crazy busy world. However, finding time for myself doesn’t always have to be self-centered. We spend enough time in this life focusing on how we can make other peoples lives a little better and I’d like to change that.

For me it really started at Christmas time. I wanted to find ways to give back that were done anonymously, focusing on the act itself. I found little things I could do that would brighten someone’s day. Leave scratch tickets under someone’s windshield at the mall, tape change to a vending machine, money in the parking meters. Little things. The feeling of knowing I did something for someone that could never do the same for me made me feel amazing. For one person, I might have made the world a tiny bit nicer.

After Christmas I decided I didn’t want to stop. Why should Christmas get all the good Karma? People need little RAKs all year long. I decided I’d do at least one thing a month for someone else. I don’t plan them out and most of the time my RAK for the month is completely spontaneous.

I started doing research on different ways I could spread kindness in the world. I came across a website for The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation . These people are amazing and share their information, support and stories from other like minded people. The have educational resources and lesson plans to teach younger kids the importance of kindness. When I run out of ideas it’s my go to source.

This may not be for you, but I think everyone should give it a try. Spend some me time not focused on “me” and see how much better you feel.



31 comments on “RAK it up!

  1. natosha

    That is a great thing you have discovered, and thank you for sharing. I actually never heard of this foundation, but it does sound like a really good one. It is a great lesson teach kids at young age to share kindness with others and help when they can. Not only will they grow up a better rounded person but they will benefit in feeling complete and happier in life as for those they help. 🙂

  2. Don Purdum

    What a great foundation and way to give back. I never knew it existed. Best wishes on living out your passion and purpose!

  3. Bonnie @WEMAKE7

    That sounds like a great website to visit. I’m always thinking of others and not myself so this is perfect.

  4. michele d

    Sounds like a wonderful company and foundation to be involved with. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Julie

    It really is the little things that can make someones day. I have been involved in various RAKs in the past (both on the giving and receiving end) and it has always made my day to bring a little joy to others!

  6. Samantha Angell

    A great foundation. I’ve been hearing more and more about random acts of kindness, strangers buying coffee, etc- its nice to hear some good news being shared!

  7. Kungphoo

    That is a great way to give back.. Whenever i get an opportunity to give back i do, and i teach my kids the same theory… give as much as you can!

  8. Cory

    There’s nothing quite like giving back unexpectedly and with zero expectation of a return. It truly feels great.

  9. Lisa J. Jones

    Awesome Foundation Great Way To Give Back Love It!

  10. Michelle F.

    What an awesome way to give back and make yourself feel good. I have to check out that foundation.

  11. Mary Ann

    I absolutely love this! I always like to do things that are kind for others, but you gave me some great ideas I hadn’t thought of before. Thanks also for sharing the info on Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.

  12. Hilary @ The RNY Life

    It’s so important to help others around you. You don’t have to do a lot even just making people smile and feel better about themselves.

  13. Franc Ramon

    I think those Random Act of Kindness can really change lives and boost people’s morale. It’s great that you make it a point to do some RAK.

  14. Brijdeep

    wow yes, this is an amazing way to spread kindness in the world.. I’ve heard about a man who went about cleaning one random car shield from snow during the cold winters, each morning.. for so many years till he died.. but he left his kindness !!

  15. Rach @ Eazy Peazy Mealz

    RAKs are so important. Thanks for the reminder and info on the foundation. I have been doing this with my kids this summer and need to do more of it.

  16. Irine

    Great way to spread kindness in the world. I will check out this website.

  17. Rosey

    I make it a point to do random acts of kindness too. It always makes me happy to do so. 🙂

  18. Ave

    I’m glad that you found a great way to give back. I will go and check out the site. Sounds really interesting. I have been trying to do RAK too as much as I can.

  19. Natalie

    We try to do a few RAK with the kids every where, I have a list of ideas on my pinterest wall for them. It’s a great thing to do and teach kids to do.

  20. Ann Bacciaglia

    RAK’s are such a great thing to do. You never know how much you can make a difference in someone’s day or life.

  21. Leira Pagaspas

    My friends and I used to do this we send each other small tokens to boost each others morale. Didn’t even know that someone made it into a foundation which could really help a lot of people.

  22. cococute life

    Big or Small act of kindness make no difference at all they are both kindness and the best thing is not to think of our own benefits when we are stretching our hands to share some blessings we are having in life, it is so nice for you to find RAK and this seems really a great foundation and I promise myself to be a part of it someday.,

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