“PUSH” Book Review

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Thanks to my lovely helper!


I have to start out by honestly saying I normally don’t read books about bettering yourself or transforming your life. I find it hard something’s to look at my own life and analyze my choices. With that being said, I’ve been striving to find a balance in my life for quite some time now. I feel that I had lost focus on what I wanted in my life- a problem I’ve never struggled with in the past.

Brett Stalcup did a fantastic job reminding me about having patience. I am definitely guilty with a lack of patience when it comes to my own life. I found that chapter about having patience really important in reminding myself that not everything is instantly gratifying. This is something I will continually have to work on.

I loved the section on being positive. My father was big on staying positive and that has helped me through some challenging areas of my life. “Push” talks bout how negativity will hold you back from realizing your dreams and your full potential.

“PUSH” touched upon several issues with families. About working together as a team and teaching your children. There is an important section about parents being the influence in your life and not the technology that surrounds children today. I can not agree more and that is a message every parent should here.

This book was really well done. It includes places to write down your thoughts and exercises to help you put your thoughts into ideas you can see. For someone who doesn’t typically read these types of books, I gained some perspective in how to find balance in my own world.


8 comments on ““PUSH” Book Review

  1. Sarah M

    I am currently reading this book and it is amazing how altering the way you think about things can totally change your attitude and even the outcome of situations! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the book! I can’t wait to finish it!

  2. Debbie Picard

    I will admit I’m not to into self help books either. just for the simple fact that they all say the same blah blah blah. but since what you said about the book it sounds pretty good. I think I will try it out. thanks for the review!

  3. Rosey

    ‘Patience is a virtue’ is a saying that’s been around for a long time. The older I get, the more relevant I see that it is too. 🙂

  4. Pingback: “PUSH” Book Review

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