Love bug’s birthday!

My little Love Bug turned one today and this past Saturday we celebrated. First birthdays are a huge milestone and I wanted to make it amazing (even though it’s more for us than for her). Was the party perfect? I think it was as close to perfect as anyone could get. We had our amazing family and friends around and everyone had a blast.



We decided to have a bounce house for the dozens of kids that were coming to celebrate. I looked around at the various companies and asked around to see who we could trust with something safe. BounceHouse-R-Us was recommended by a close friend. Danny, the owner, was amazing. He explained everything, recommended the appropriate house for the amount of kids and reliable. The bounce house we chose was a giant monkey theme. It was awesome. My son watched as they put it up and I haven’t seen him that excited in a long time. We all had so much fun in there—yes even some grown ups snuck in after the kiddos went to bed.


Love bug loved the bounce house so much she wanted to nap in it!

When it comes to first birthdays another extremely important ingredient is the cake. Afterall, cake and birthdays go hand in hand. It’s the part of the party everyone waits for. I’m lucky enough to have an extremely talented friend that makes cakes. The cake was perfect and fit the party theme perfectly. Starla Mae’s Bowtique & Confection made a delicious cake and we were so lucky to have it.


As first birthdays go, I’m pretty happy with the way this one turned out. We has so much fun and got to enjoy being with the most important people in or worlds. Remember to treasure these moments, they go buy way to fast. Happy Birthday love bug!



34 comments on “Love bug’s birthday!

  1. Chrissy

    She is so adorably cute and 1st Birthdays are so fun to plan! Happy Birthday Love Bug! I also call my 3 year old that πŸ™‚

  2. Stephanie Hebert

    So cute!! We have always wanted to get a bounce house for our parties! thank you for sharing!!

  3. Alison Roberson

    Looks like your B-Day Party turned out spectacular! Bounce Houses are a great idea for any childs Birthday party. I have always been concerned of the safety as well as the set up and take down. After reading your review I can’t wait to plan my childs next Birthday party this is sure to be a huge hit. I had no idea who to contact but after reading your review I will be giving them a call.

  4. Stacy

    The party was so much fun.. It was great to see all the kids having fun and enjoying just being kids… Glad that the bounce house worked out well… Danny has done a lot of work for me and his prices are reasonable and has always done a great job! Now you have to worry about planning birthday number 2!!!

  5. Charity L.

    Aww, she is adorable! And I love the cake!!

  6. Paula Parker

    She is a little love bug. What a fun birthday party. I always wanted to do that to my birthday cake!

  7. Bonnie @WEMAKE7

    She’s so cute! =) I love the monkey bounce house! Our little guy reminds us of George from Curious George. I would have loved to find something like that for his birthday.

  8. Terry C

    Looks like a very successful birthday party. Awesome playhouse and the cake looks great. Your daughter looks extremely happy.

  9. R U S S

    We’re pretty big on first birthdays here in PH. My Mom’s kept one whole album of birthday photos from when I turned one. I wish your little angel a very happy birthday.

  10. Emilee

    ahah! I love the picture of her with the cake on her! What a fun time! I remember mine’s first birthday, and that was almost 15 years ago…

  11. Amber B

    She is SOOO super cute. I love the ladybug cake and it looks like she did too. My children love a bounce house but we don’t have much room for one right now.

  12. John Lopez

    Awwww, sounds like a wonderful b-day celebration! Very special day.

  13. Rosey

    That cake did turn out great, and you got the perfect cake baby picture at the end of it too. I love happy birthdays!

  14. Nicole Brady

    I LOVE the cake! I’m with you… sneak into the bounce house when the kids are in bed. Maybe even send them to bed a little early so you can have your turn! πŸ™‚

  15. Maria Oller

    So cute i seems the cute birthday girl had a blast and I love bouncer houses in kids birthdays

  16. Joanna Sormunen

    What a fun filled day! The cake looks beautiful and I just LOVE the picture of your lovebug while she’s eating her cake. She is enjoying herself so much πŸ™‚

  17. Kenneth Agudo

    That is so adorable and cute, Happy Birthday to Her. She had a blast, a very happy celebration and you can see it in her face :))))

  18. Natalie

    Happy Birthday to her!! This looks like a totally fun birthday, she really tore up that cake! so awesome!

  19. jane

    love that jumper bounce house! i would love one too but daughter is a bit matured already for these kinds of things congrats the party looks amazing

  20. Patty

    Happy Birthday to your precious little girl. I’m glad the party went so well. The cake is beautiful

  21. Elizabeth Frank

    Happy Belated Birthday wishes to your little one! It’s amazing how quickly the time passes by and it’s time for college. πŸ™‚

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