Keep Smiling! 4+ Ways To Improve Your Smile

When you’re the mother of one or more children, smiling isn’t something you do as often as you should. Raising kids is a full-time job in itself, yet many moms also have other responsibilities (full or part-time) they must do each day to earn a living and pay their bills. As you can appreciate, leading such a busy and at times tiring lifestyle means that you seldom have the opportunity to smile about things.

But, all moms must keep on smiling, even when chaos ensues around them virtually every day! Did you know there is scientific evidence that proves smiling is good for your health and mind? If you’re one of the many moms out there that finds they aren’t smiling as much as they probably should each day, consider these handy hints and tips to help you feel good once again:

1. Learn to decrease the stress in your life,

It will come as no surprise that stress is one of the biggest reasons that people seldom smile much. When you become a mother, your stress levels will inevitably rise, especially as your children get older! While there isn’t much you can do about that; there are certain things you can do to decrease stress in other areas of your life.

For example, if your job demands are increasing, yet you aren’t getting any extra support or even recognition for your efforts, get a new job elsewhere. And if there are people in your social circle that do an excellent job of getting you down, get rid of those toxic individuals from your life.

2. Don’t spend so much time on your mobile phone

Believe it or not, moms that spend a lot of time talking on their phone or going online on their smartphones can cause them to smile less. It might seem like a far-fetched statement, but there’s scientific research to back that up!

In 2018, researchers from Georgetown University in Washington and the University of California published a paper entitled Smartphones Reduce Smiles Between Strangers, and it tells a rather sad tale. They set up two experiments with random people and concluded via trained assistants that those without smartphones exhibited more “approach behavior” – i.e., smiling!

If you’re someone that spends a lot of time browsing through social media or catching up on emails, it’s time to put that phone down! The last thing you want to be known as is the mom that never smiles for people because she’s always engrossed in something on her smartphone!

3. Keep on top of your oral hygiene

Another common reason why some moms don’t smile as much as they’d like is due to their oral hygiene. As a busy mom, you will no doubt have little free time to spend on looking after yourself as much as you should. Your health can often take a backseat, especially when you’ve got hungry kids to feed, tidy up after, or tend to when a new disaster strikes.

The thing about oral hygiene is that if you let your teeth get in poor condition, it can cause you to become ill. And when that happens, you’ll struggle to keep everything together without having some physical (and mental) health breakdown.

Have you already let things get too far, and you need to have some teeth extracted (or some have already been removed)? If so, all is not lost. You may wish to consider some dental implants. They are discreet, give you an ability to chew your food with confidence, and, of course, let you smile more often!

Whether or not you need dental implants, you should take steps to keep on top of your oral hygiene. That means brushing your teeth and flossing each day without fail.

4. Give up smoking

Everyone knows that smoking can cause all kinds of serious health problems, especially in people that smoke several times a day. But, did you know that smoking can also permanently stain your teeth? That’s because of the tar and nicotine combination in each cigarette causing teeth to turn a yellow or brown color.

The reason why that happens is due to tar and nicotine attacking the enamel on your teeth. Also, as you age, the enamel protecting each tooth gets worn away and so can no longer do an effective job of protecting them.

Smoking isn’t an easy vice for many moms to give up, especially if it’s something they’ve done most of their adult lives. If you would like to give up smoking, it’s worth doing so in a supported environment rather than going it alone with a “cold turkey” approach.

5. Get a medical makeover

Sometimes the reason why some moms don’t feel like they can smile isn’t due to environmental factors (i.e., other people, or the job they do). The reason can often get attributed to the state of their health.

For instance, they could have low vitamin or nutrient levels in their body, causing them to feel fatigued or even disconnected from the outside world. Getting a medical from your family doctor is a sure-fire way to eliminate any health problems that could cause you to stop smiling.

And should you find that you’ve got a medical problem, always remember that there is plenty of help and support out there for you.

6. Make some time to enjoy your social life

Lastly, an excellent way to start smiling more often again is by having some “you time” for your social life. There isn’t a mother in the land that won’t jump up at the chance of having more free time to socialize with their family and friends.

Whatever you do in life, it’s crucial that you find something that makes you happy and smiley. Sure, having children is a wonderful experience to have in life. But, it’s still vital to have an external social life outside of your immediate family.

Good luck – and thank you for reading today’s blog post!

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