How to Improve Your Communication Skills


Communicating is something everyone does every single day, but its importance is often overlooked. So many situations are influenced by the communication skills used by the people involved, yet many people give little thought to how they communicate. This lack of awareness can lead to arguments and misunderstandings. Unfortunately, even the right message can be offensive or upsetting if it is not expressed in the correct way. 


Being able to communicate effectively may sound like something you would list as a skill on your resumé, but communication is so much more than just a soft skill required in the workplace. Your ability to communicate can impact your relationships with everyone around you and has the ability to either strengthen these bonds or damage them. As the way you communicate has such a strong influence on your life, it makes sense to dedicate a little time to improving your communication skills. Once you become more aware of how you communicate, you may notice areas you would like to improve on to strengthen your skills. Here are some tips to get you started on improving your communication skills:


Use Your Body Language


Communication is much more than just words. It is believed that the majority of communication is non-verbal, so being aware of this is really beneficial. Whether consciously or subconsciously, your body language can express how you feel. Simple things such as gestures, posture, and the position of your hands become a communication tool when you are in the company of other people. For example, crossed arms can make you look defensive, wringing your hands can communicate that you are nervous or upset, and frequently looking away and failing to maintain eye contact can make you seem bored and disengaged. So, it is useful to be aware of these nonverbal cues and to use body language communication tips if your unspoken communication is something you want to improve.


Don’t Forget to Listen


When it comes to communicating effectively, listening is just as critical as the way you speak. As life is so busy and full of distractions, it is easy to lose track of what someone is saying or to listen to them without absorbing the information. Making an effort to listen to what people are saying in your conversations is an excellent way to take more from your discussions and to strengthen your connection. Active listening is a skill that is widely used for this purpose, and it is an essential tool for improving communication. Active listening involves more than simply hearing the words the other person is saying; you also need to show your engagement with the conversation and observe your conversation partner’s body language. Once you get started with active listening, it quickly becomes a skill you use every day.


Think Before You Speak


Think before you speak is a term everyone has heard from their parents at some point in their lives. This well-worn phrase is worth listening to as it is an extremely handy tip when you are trying to improve your communication skills. It is so easy to blurt something out and then regret it straight away and wish you could take it back. Even if you did not mean what you said, your words still have the potential to cause conflict and upset to others. 


One way to avoid these putting your foot in your mouth moments is to pause before speaking. Waiting for a moment before you say anything further is helpful, especially when you are having a sensitive conversation. When emotions are running high, even an innocent comment can be taken the wrong way and result in an argument. Giving yourself a second to gather your thoughts and think about what you would like to say will help you to put your point across more concisely without escalating the situation.


Keep Practising


Working on your communication skills is not something that can be done once and then forgotten about. There is always room for improvement and opportunities to learn throughout your daily life when it comes to communicating effectively. 


It is important to note everyone has different ways of communicating, which makes people unique and enables them to express their individual personalities. But, simply paying closer attention to the way you communicate with people, both spoken and unspoken, can reveal some interesting insights. With this awareness, you can work on improving your relationships and make your communication more effective, which can improve the quality of your communication and make conversations more meaningful.



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