Health and Wellness in the Workplace

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It should go without saying that if you lead a healthier lifestyle you will be more productive and happier at work. However, that isn’t always the case. It’s so important for employers to see and recognize the importance of the overall health of their employees is important to their quality of life in the workplace.

Keeping ourselves healthy is important on so many levels. We lead such busy and hectic lifestyles and sometimes our health gets put on the back burner. When you’re busy and stressed you don’t always take the time to make the best choices. Got a deadline? Maybe grabbing that candy bar out of the vending machine is faster than going to get a salad. Busy at work so you spend eight plus hours sitting at your desk. Neither of these things are great for your overall health and can impact your life at home and work.


How can employers help employees make better lifestyle choices? Well, research shows that whether organizations provide onsite exercise facilities, subsidize gym memberships, offer access to health coaching or simply encourage employees to get up and walk, wellness programs can reduce sick days by 45 percent (Sodexo).

I believe that it comes to putting yourself first for something. You only have one life to live and if you’re not making the best health choices your overall quality of life will decrease. I love seeing employers with great wellness programs. It is beneficial for their company to have healthy (and happy) employees. Even if your company doesn’t offer programs there are small things you can do to impact your health and wellness in the workplace.

Tips For a Healthier Day

  • Take the stairs instead of an elevator. You’ll add steps to your day and fit in exercise (every little bit helps).

  • Get up once an hour and walk (even if just for a minute). Bring a paper to a coworker instead of email etc.

  • Pack healthy lunches instead of doing takeout. Having something healthy on hand will reduce “hangry” bad food choices.

  • Choose healthier options if you have to eat at work cafeteria/restaurant.


In a perfect world all of our employers would offer fantastic wellness benefits. Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. Even if you’re job doesn’t offer these healthy perks, you can still do small things to promote your own health during the day. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for your work but also (and more importantly) your overall quality of life. So grab and apple and take the stairs!

I’d love to hear your thoughts? How does your employer promote health and wellness or how do you promote your own healthy lifestyle??

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