Moms Lovin’ the Loop with Familoop
A mom’s resume consists of so many different job titles and tasks. In addition to the many who carry a full time (paying) job, we are daily taxi drivers, maids, RN, butlers, chefs, personal bankers, and so much more all rolled into one I read somewhere that the job title of “Mom” if paid as an annual salary would pay over $250,000 a year! I’ll take it! But with our busy scheudles, what kind of mom has time to closely monitor online activity of their child? Supermom, that’s who.
Now you don’t have to be supermom to stay on top of your child’s online activities. All you need is Familoop Safeguard. Familoop dips into your child’s online life and gives you an overview so you aren’t being too invasive. If you see something that causes alarm, you can look in depth at the situation and get to the root of the problem.
Familoop will scan social media for key words that detect bullying, sexual activity, and more. You get a notice, decide if you need to intervene and move on with your day! Get back to fighting super villains and chasing down the baddest of bad guys…or whatever it is you do in those 3 minutes you spend alone in the bathroom everyday. It has to be something good, because those kids are on top of it the moment the door shuts! You know what I’m talking about!
Familoop has a trial that is available for FREE right now. Give it a try and if you are aren’t satisfied then you must have perfect sweet precious little angels for children and I am jealous. If you do love it, then you and your children are normal and you can upgrade for a super low price.
This is very cool. My kids are too young for this but my nephews are just starting to get online. This would be great for them.
This a great tool. My kids are older but this sounds great for families with younger ones