Educational Magazines for Kids from Redan Publishing

We received these educational magazines to facilitate an honest review. All opinions are our own.

educational magazines

The holidays are over and we’ve started focusing on learning again. Monster is going to kindergarten in the fall and we are working more on getting him ready for “big kid school”. He is doing really great with his writing and pre-reading and I love using things he loves to help motivate him to do more. He loves Scooby-Doo and finding an interactive educational magazine that features his favorite characters is a huge win over here.

educational magazines

Redan Publishing has ten different educational magazines for kids of all ages. These magazines feature your children’s favorite characters and make learning fun and entertaining! Each magazine features learning activities for your kiddos that center around their favorite characters. Their subscriptions include popular characters from Mickey to Frozen. There is something for every child to learn and love.

educational magazines

Monster has loved Scooby-Doo for years so I was very excited to see that there was a Scooby title offered. This educational magazine was a ton of fun. There were stories about the Scooby Gang’s adventures, a fun monster craft to make as well as various educational activities. He practiced writing his letters in response to Scooby related questions and did some fun math problems. He was very excited to add this to his “big kid work” today. I’m happy that he’s learning and having fun….which makes it easier on everyone. You can check out all the different titles that Redan Publishing has to offer for your little learner and make learning more fun today!

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