Earth Songs for Earth Day with Charity and the JAMband

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! We take this day very serious in my class. This morning we went for a walk and picked up trash throughout our neighborhood. The kids get really into and you better never litter around them or you’ll get an earful. Every day should be Earth Day but I’m glad that we have a chance to talk about our planet today.

Charity and the JAMband, a group out of San Francisco, spent the past decade-and-a-half serving up delightfully groovy tunes for young ones and their big people. To celebrate Earth Day, Charity Kahn and her merry band release their most deeply felt and resonant album yet, EARTH. This collection of 10 original new songs arrives today just in time to celebrate (available from CDBaby, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, and more)!

About Charity: Charity Kahn has a degree in math from Stanford, has co-authored a book on math and music, and has worked as a software engineer in the technology industry. Motherhood opened the door to a new life of musical devotion and creation and allowed Kahn to live her real passion. Since 2002, Charity and the JAMband have been bringing the rock ‘n’ roll experience to families, touching the hearts and inspiring the dancing feet of this generation’s breed of family music lovers. Charity and the JAMband recordings include Family Values (2012), Party Like a Twinkle Star (2010, NAPPA Gold Award, Parents’ Choice® Silver Honor Award), Rock Your Socks Off (2006, Parents’ Choice® Gold Award, Children’s Music Web Gold Award, Fids & Kamily Award), and Peanut Butter and JAM (2004, Parents’ Choice® Approved Award). Charity Kahn previously released two solo albums: JAM: Music for Movement with Children (2002) and firstborn (1999). In addition to singing and recording original songs, Kahn leads popular weekly JAMboodas music and movement classes for young children, and she runs sold-out spring and summer JAMcamps for school-aged kids in San Francisco.

Five Tips for Sharing Nature with Children from Charity Kahn

  • GET DIRTY. Allow your kids to truly immerse themselves in the natural world even if it means getting dirty!
  • PLANT SEEDS. There’s nothing like planting a few wildflower seeds in your backyard to help foster a connection with Earth and the cycle of life.
  • SING AND DANCE. Have a family dance party with earth-conscious songs as the sound track!
  • MAKE ART. With your child, collect found objects from nature and arrange them in a collage or sculpture.
  • SLOW DOWN. Take a mindful walk in a park, forest or other natural setting and truly go at your child’s pace. Be present, as a witness, without directing their experience.

Because I find Earth Day so important and Love Charity’s message we are going to be giving away a copy of her new album! Check out the video below and enter for your chance to win! Follow Charity and the JAMband on Facebook for all her exciting news! Happy Earth Day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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3 comments on “Earth Songs for Earth Day with Charity and the JAMband

  1. Sarah M

    What an awesome giveaway in celebration of Earth Day!! Can’t wait to check it out in the meantime!

  2. Natosha Miller

    I love to celebrate Earth Day by recycling or even just spending some time outdoors with my family and enjoy walking the trails and parks.

  3. Mindy DeLisi

    Every year I take the family and we do Community Clean Up day. I started this in High School and continued to do this every year after I got married and had kids. My family looks forward to it every year!

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