Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothies with Hood Simply Smart #healthy

Thank you to Hood for sponsoring the following post. All opinions are our own.

It’s that time of year again. Kids are heading back to school and the lazy days of summer are coming to an end. I can’t believe my baby is going into first grade this year. Where did the time go? We had an amazing summer full of memories but now it’s time to get back into our routines.

Morning are never easy in this house. Monster is always up, dressed and ready to start the day while I’m grumbling and climbing out of bed. I am not a morning person. I never have been and I don’t think I ever will be. Surprisingly, my husband is one of those perky morning people and Monster is just like his dad. He goes to work before us though so it’s still up to me to make sure we all start the day off on a healthy note.

chocolate covered strawberry smoothie

We used to eat a lot of cereal but it can get messy and if we are running late, usually my fault, cereal isn’t portable. I started making smoothies for the kids and they LOVED them. Smoothies are delicious and a great way to pack in the nutrients for a great start to the day. Bonus, you can often make the ahead of time or quickly in the morning! Pour in to-go cups and you’re out the door with a protein packed, vitamin rich super breakfast.

We love Hood Simply Smart Milk. It’s perfect for our cereal, my coffee and absolutely perfect in our smoothies. Ultra-filtered Hood Simply Smart Milk has benefits that regular milk simply can’t. It has more protein, more calcium, less fat, less cholesterol, and fewer calories than whole and 2% milk and has a delicious rich and creamy taste you can’t find in low-fat milks. It has a creamy taste that I love but don’t usually get in low fat milks. When I’m making my smoothie I’m trying to get as much nutrition as possible into that glass. Hood Simply Smart milk has 10g of Protein per serving (regular whole and 2% milk has just 8g) and 35% of the daily requirement of calcium. Making our morning protein and calcium packed.

Monster isn’t the biggest fan of healthy stuff so sneaking it into his smoothie is one way to make sure he’s getting a little veggie boost. We went strawberry picking this year and had a ton of strawberries from our adventure. We froze them so we could use them throughout the year. Frozen fruit is amazing in smoothies and knowing where it came from is a nice bonus! I’m making Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothies with Hood Simply Smart Fat Free Chocolate Milk. It’s delicious and perfect for the kids.


I like to make a adult version of this smoothie by adding frozen coffee ice cubes instead of fruit. Frozen cafe mocha smoothies are the perfect way to get me going. We love that we made the switch to Hood Simply Smart milks. A creamy taste with more nutrients than regular milk from a trusted name in dairy is a win in my book. Interested in trying Simply Smart for yourself (you totally should)? Head to your nearest grocery store or stop by the Hood’s table at the Boston Heart Walk on September 9 to taste the milk for yourself and pick up some premium swag items!

Disclosure: Mommy Makes Time receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and believe will be a good fit for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising


18 comments on “Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothies with Hood Simply Smart #healthy

  1. Gladys parker

    Those smoothies sound so delicious, I want one right now. I love that Hood Simply Smart has so many more benefits than milk. I’ll be trying some with my family real soon.

  2. MarciaF

    Sneaking in kale – so tricky! My little ones love chocolate milk so they’d probably gulp this down.

  3. travel blogger

    This sounds so delicious, and it would be a big hit in our house especially with our crazy mornings. We will have to try out some smoothies in the morning.

  4. Aileen Adalid

    Oooh, this is something my nephew would love! I love me some smoothies too and this is something I can definitely try as well. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Esti Berkowitz

    I just love when my kids eat fruit and with a bit of chocolate too. I will have to try these when back to school starts!

  6. Dogvills

    What a delicious way to sneak in the veggies! I am sure the kids would love this smoothie. After all, how can they say no to chocolate!

  7. Kelly Reci

    This is delicious way to sneak in the veggies. But my kids would love to eat chocolate instead of veggies. I will have to try this when is school starts!

  8. Julie Syl

    This is something that every kids would love. The sweetness of chocolate and the taste of vitamin from strawberry is really a great combination. Wow!

  9. Heather

    Chocolate and strawberries — one of my favorite combinations! This smoothie sounds like just the motivation I need to get out of bed in the morning!

  10. TColeman

    This smoothie looks so amazing. We make a lot of them and this one would be a hit.

  11. Heather Pfingsten

    This sounds delicious on it’s own and I LOVE the recipe. We are trying to make healthier choices to start the school year, this may help. Thank you for introducing us to this new product!!

  12. krystal

    We do love a good chocolate smoothie. My son just started really liking chocolate milk.

  13. cyndi br

    this is a great recipe and I like the addition of kale

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