Shop Small with Novica

**We were provided with the following product to facilitate an honest review. All opinions were are own.**

Shop Small and support individual artists with Novica

shop small

I love buying hand made items from artists as gifts. It’s always nice to shop small and support and individual when giving a gift. I love knowing that I’ve helped better their life through supporting the craft that they love. I also love knowing I’ve given someone something special and unique.

I ordered a gift from Novica this year and it was a very pleasant experience. Their website is very easy to use and makes finding the perfect gift very easy. When you choose something it tells you all the information about the area of the world the artist is from and background on the artist. It is like going to a world sized craft fair without leaving your home. I enjoyed seeing the person who created the sculpture I was ordering and learning a little about them.

shop small

I decided on the Eternity of Love wood sculpture. I loved the meaning behind it and it will be perfect for my friend as a gift. The package came beautifully wrapped and ready for gift giving. Each order also features a card with the artist’s information so you can share this as part of the gift. It’s perfect.


Follow Novica on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all the current information and offers!

Disclosure: Mommy Makes Time receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain affiliate links that I receive commission or payment from in exchange for referrals. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend products or services I personally use and believe will be a good fit for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 225: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising


2 comments on “Shop Small with Novica

  1. Sarah M

    What a cool company! I love the sculpture you picked out! I have to check them out asap!

  2. Samantha

    I totally agree with you about shopping from small companies. It might be faster, easier, and cheaper to shop from places like Amazon, but I know it means a lot more to the smaller businesses. And I love that statue! I’ll have to go look at their site!

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