Be the Good

Be the good

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve heard of the tragedies of the last few days. No matter your political or religious views, you have to agree that there are terrible things happening in the world and there is very little you can do to change those things. You can’t go to a different country and make people be nice to one another of stop natural disasters. That’s not the way the world works. Instead of having my normal extreme anxiety about being powerless to change things, I am going to do something. I’m going to “Be the Good”.

There more I thought about all the terrible things going on around me, the more I didn’t want to live in fear and negativity. I don’t want to be surrounded with anger and hate with no real power to change it. We only have one life to live and this is not how I want to live it. I decided that we are not powerless to change our own lives and the lives of the people around us. You can choose to make the world a better place for someone else, even if just for a few moments. I want to believe that my children can grow up in a world that is mostly a good place. I want to believe in the good so I have to be the good. I have to show them that we are not powerless to change the world around us through my actions.


Sharing Random Acts of Kindness has always been something important to me and something I tried to do around the holidays. I decided that I’m going to start now. I’m going to do one thing everyday that makes the world a better place. It doesn’t have to be something huge. Just something that is putting good out into the world. As positive as I am, I’m a realist. I know that my small acts of kindness alone aren’t going to change the world. But what if everyone did something to bring good into the world every day? Imagine the change for good.

You can find so many small things to do to spread good in the world. from a simple smile to buying a cup of coffee. You never know what your small act of kindness has done for someone else. If you’re looking for ideas, check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. They are amazing and have great ideas to spread kindness and good. I’m hoping that by sharing this I can plant tiny seeds of goodness as far as this post will travel. If it inspires one person to “be the good” in the world I’ve done something positive for change.


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