New Video Release from Ralph’s World!

We love Ralph’s World! This fantastic music helps promote literacy and a love for reading to children everywhere. Ralph’s World (aka Ralph Corvet) is releaseing a behind the scenes video sharing the back story from his song Sawdust and Spangles off his recently release album (You can check out our review on Ralph’s World Rocks and Reads). Sawdust and Spangles tells the life story of 1800’s circus impresario WC Coup, a boy with big dreams who eventually invented the three ring circus with P. T. Barnum and founded the New York Aquarium. Originally a theatrical work, it was adapted into a picture book. For this album, Ralph has evocatively recast the story of Coup’s life in a haunting song that closes the CD.

Here is the brand new video to share with your little ones!I loved it and the mini history lesson. Enjoy and find out more about this amazing artist on his website.

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