NCircle Entertainment Presents: Houdini and ABC Monsters: Meet the ABC Monsters Review and Giveaway

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We are so excited that NCircle Entertainment announced two new titles joining their family entertainment line. ABC Monsters and Houdini are great for the whole family! You can buy them now on Amazon or other major retailors just in time for the upcoming gift giving season!

Houdini Synopsis:
Twelve year-old Harry has lived and breathed magic since his early childhood. The problem is that his hometown, Appletown, is not the best place for his natural talent to blossom. Although he rehearses endlessly in his parent’s barn, he realizes that his dream is just that – a dream. One day, Harry happens upon an opportunity of a lifetime–the New York mayor has announced a magic competition due to the official opening of the Statue of Liberty. However in order to try out, one must be trained by a real magician. Poor Harry doesn’t know a single one. As fate would have it, Harry’s father runs into the renowned town magician, the Great Tesla and he promises to see Harry. Despite the young boy’s lack of knowledge, Tesla sees potential in Harry and decides to give him a chance. He invites him to his home, accompanied by his niece, Beth, and his assistant Amrold. Will Harry have what it takes to make it as a true magician?


ABC Monsters Synopsis:
Meet the ABC Monsters! They are big, hairy and not very scary. The ABC Monsters are on the loose and only Alice, Brian and Cherry Berry can catch them. Twenty-six cuddly ABC Monsters live within the walls of Capital Castle. Each monster represents a letter of the alphabet, but should any of the monsters go missing for longer than a day, all the letters will be wiped clean from every book in Capital Town, so it’s very important to make sure that all the ABC Monsters are always back in Alphabet Gardens before sundown. This isn’t as easy as it sounds. The ABC Monsters are curious and happy creatures so they tend to wander off from Alphabet Gardens and get lost in the process. In each adventure, Alice and her good friends Brian and Cherry Berry must search high and low for one of the missing monsters. Get set for a spellbinding series of magical adventures that engages preschool children’s imaginations, while making learning exciting and entertaining.

Our Thoughts

The kiddos loved ABC Monsters. It was an adorable story that helped foster their love of letters and spelling (yes they have a huge love of learning). It is an adorable series that I can’t wait to watch more of. Great way to get kids to learn without them knowing. I liked Houdini. It was a little older than the previous one but it was still fun for the kiddos. It’s a fantastic story and kids will love younger Houdini!


NCircle Entertainment is generously giving one of my readers their very own copies of these great kids titles. Enter below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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3 comments on “NCircle Entertainment Presents: Houdini and ABC Monsters: Meet the ABC Monsters Review and Giveaway

  1. Suzanne

    I would watch these with my 4 year old son.

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