SOPHi by Piggy Paint Review and Giveaway

Sophi paint

If you follow us you know that we really LOVE natural products but still love to pamper ourselves. When you’re a busy working mom, you should be able to have time to pamper ourselves and not worry about harsh chemicals. Piggy Paint, the makers of amazing all natural nail polish for kiddos, has come up with a great answer for adults. Their brand new line is called SOPHi.

SOPHi is a natural eco-friendly nail polish that is non-toxic, odorless, and hypoallergenic. There was no smell when we were doing our nails. I felt great doing my nails inside during nap time without worrying about the room smelling terrible or the kids having to breathe in fumes when the came out to play. I loved that the polish was thick and not watery like other natural polishes. I only had to do one coat for great looking nails.

piggy paint all natural nail polish

I love that I can do my nails with my daughter and we both are benifitting from all natural polishes from Piggy Paint. She loves her “pretties” and we get great girly time together. This great product was started by a mom looking for a healthy alternative to polish for her kids. Support this mom-invention by LIKING SOPHi on Facebook . You can find them on Twitter and Instagram. Would you like to try your own SOPHi Polish? Enter below to win your own prize pack!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: We were provided with this product to facilitate an honest review. All opinions are our own.


13 comments on “SOPHi by Piggy Paint Review and Giveaway

  1. Taylor

    Love the idea of Eco-friendly polish!! My favorite color nail polish right now is any deep navy blue! I love it because it’s a great summer color but it also works really well in the colder months too.

  2. Stephanie Volkert

    I don’t like putting chemicals on my nails either, and I’m very sensitive to smells, so I’d definitely like to try this.

    1. Stephanie Volkert

      I forgot to answer the question. I must need more coffee! My favorite nail polish color is coral, although teal is a very close second.

  3. Julie Waldron

    My favorite color nail polish is called “hot chocolate”.

  4. Sarah M

    I love that this polish is hypoallergenic and eco-friendly! How cool!

  5. Jessica Whitehouse

    I usually wear blue or purple polish. If I wear pink or red, I choose a bright bold color. I don’t care for pastels.

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