Your Media Kit Can Rock with Hip Media Kits- Review

Disclosure: We were provided with this product to facilitate an honest review. All opinions are our own.

If you are a blogger you know that having something professional to show people is really important. Because so much is done over the internet, a media kid can be the first (and sometimes only) impression they get of you. I had no idea what do do with a media kit when I started out blogging. Even now, a full year later, I don’t have a media kit. Well I didn’t.

I was was really nervous about the whole media kit idea. What do you include? What kind of layout should you use? Well, Hip Media Kits took all the guess work out of putting my media kit together. They have a ton of different templates to choose from. No matter what you want your media kit to convey, there is a template perfect for you.

I chose the “Cute Media Kit”. I felt that the colors and layout went perfect with the feel of my blog. It went with my personality. I liked the black and white media kit, but the “Cute Media Kit” really caught my attention. This is my work in progress.

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I’d love to take credit for that fantastic layout but everything was already done for me. I just had to plug in my information to the appropriate areas and my professional media kit was created. If you need a media kit for your blog, website or small business, I highly suggest trying out Hip Media Kits. I absolutely love how my media kit is coming out. The templates are so easy to use that even some one with very little computer knowledge could create a quality, professional media kit. Don’t have time to plug in your info to your media kit? They have services to create it for you. There is no reason you can’t have a professional media kit to represent your business with Hip Media Kits.


3 comments on “Your Media Kit Can Rock with Hip Media Kits- Review

  1. Sarah M

    Media Kits are super important! I like yours! Simple and to the point!! Good job!

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