Fit For We.. Mommy & Me Water Bottle Review

Disclaimer: This post may contain reviews or affiliate links. All opinions are my own.


My Lovebug wants anything and everything I have. There are times I’d really love to have things of my own but as a mom I’m good at sharing. These adorable water bottles make it easy for her to have something just like mommy (and mommy to have something of her own).

I loved so many things about this bottle. It’s non toxic which is awesome and dishwasher safe (who has time for handwashing). I love the top to this bottle. It has a push button lid that makes it really easy for Lovebug to get her own drink! She loves doing it by herself. The lid is also secure and hasn’t leaked. If my 18 month can run around with it and not spill, it’s spillproof.


You can find these on Amazon. I can’t wait until they come out with other colors so the Monster can have one too.


One comment on “Fit For We.. Mommy & Me Water Bottle Review

  1. Laura

    Mmmm… I wish this was available in glass. Plastic sketches me out yo but super cute!

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