What Can You Do When Parenting Is Getting The Better Of You?

There are going to be times where parenting is getting the better of you. When you are a mom, your world revolves around your kids more often than it doesn’t, and it’s one of the most wonderful things in the world. But, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to struggle. That doesn’t mean that there are not going to be times where you wonder if you can get through, and it doesn’t mean that it’s not okay to feel frustrated. In this article, we’re going to be discussing some of the things that you can do when parenting is getting the better of you, so if you need help, let’s see what we can do.


Take A Break


It’s important that you are taking breaks as regularly as you can. Of course, we’re not saying that you need to have three days off for every two days that you parent, but even if you can find an hour in the evening to just sit with yourself, that’s a good start. Being with your kids all of the time, or going to work and then coming home to your kids needing you can be extremely tough. There are people out there who think that just because you chose to be a mother that you should just deal with this, but this is unrealistic. Yes, you chose to be a mother, but this does not mean that you need to ruin your mental health. Lean on those around you, take a break, you deserve one.


Seek Out Help


We also think that it’s important that you seek out help if you are struggling on a regular basis. It might be that you are struggling to find ways to get through to your kids, that they don’t listen to you, that they aren’t well behaved or any number of other things. If you need help with this, then someone like David Tzall, Psy.D is a good place to start looking. Parenting coaching is often looked down on because the belief is that you should just know what you are doing. But, the truth is that every kid is different, and sometimes you need help to get through to yours.


Positive Affirmations


This one might sound a little silly to some of you, but positive affirmations are actually a great way to help you calm down, and relax. Make a list of some positive affirmations about you being a good parent, and when you are feeling stressed, make sure that you are using them. Remind yourself of these positives, and you should start to feel better about yourself.


Parenting is hard. No matter what anyone else says, or what you see on social media, parenting is hard and it’s okay to struggle. You do not have to have all of the answers just because you are a mom, okay? Hopefully this article will help a little though, and you will find that some days are easier to make it through, you’ve just got to get there.


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