It’s Snuggle Season With Our Favorite Jammies From Carter’s

This post is sponsored by Kohl’s. I was paid for this post and received the included pajamas as compensation.

Shopping. Either you love it or you hate it. I used to be a huge shopper but with kids in tow, it’s not always my favorite. However, when it comes to kids clothes I have to admit I LOVE shopping. Pajamas are by far my favorite thing to grab for the kids. I’ve always loved shopping for their pajamas. Maybe it’s seeing how peaceful they are sleeping after a crazy day. Maybe it’s the memories of tiny newborn sleepers. There is something about pajamas that I love and we can never have too many.

My favorite pajamas have to be Carter’s! The quality in all of the Carter’s brand clothing is something I’ve come to know and depend on throughout my “mom years”. When it comes to pajamas you can’t beat Carter’s. Their one piece sleepers (affectionately called feeties in our house) are still one of my daughter’s favorites. The soles are non-skid so they can handle your little one’s running around without you worrying. I love the safety tab that keeps the zipper in place. It never slides down and keeps my kiddos comfortable. The fleece is soft and so hugable!

Right now my son really loves the cotton two piece pajamas now that he’s a “big kid”. The cuffs keep the the pajama bottoms comfortably in place. No stepping on the bottoms and slipping. I love the fleece but sometimes he gets too warm while he’s sleeping for fleece and having adorable cotton options is fantastic! My daughter has found a new love of nightgowns and Carter’s has a great variety of long and short sleeve nightgowns so she can wear her favorites year round!

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s time to go for the fun holiday pajamas. When my daughter was born I started a matching Christmas pajama tradition. Every year I find at least one pair (honestly more like two or three) of matching pajamas for the kids. I take nine hundred pictures of the kids together in front of the tree in their matching sets. They are adorable keepsakes that I have year after year. With Carter’s I never have any trouble finding a matching set for my son and daughter. With their extended sizes I can still find pajamas for my tall seven year old.

Did you know Carter’s is available at Kohl’s? I can grab all my favorites for the holidays and save with all of Kohl’s famous deals. Start your own holiday traditions this year with their huge selection of holiday cotton and fleece pajamas! You’ll see why Carter’s are America’s favorite Jammies!!


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***Any affiliate links are not associated with Kohl’s.


5 comments on “It’s Snuggle Season With Our Favorite Jammies From Carter’s

  1. Deanna Marissa

    These are some really cool outfits. We love carters.

  2. Terry

    I love the cool designs. I am always hearing good things about this clothing brand. I didn’t know they are sold at Khols. It may be time for me to check them.

  3. Gladys parker

    I love Carters because they are a name you can trust without breaking the bank. I trusted my children with Carters and now my grandchildren. I like that over the years they have added non slid to the feet and done something with that gosh awful zipper. My oldest son use to get the worst little marks under his chin from the cheap zippers. His fix was to not zip them, bad idea too!

  4. Victoria Heckstall

    Carters are really awesome! I absolutely love all o their clothes for roddlers.

  5. AnnMarie John

    Carter has always been my favorite brand for the babies and kids! I really love their collections! This season’s line is definitely perfect!

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