7 Effective Ways to Relax


With the stress and pressure of the outside world and your fast-paced lifestyle, you’ll need to learn how to truly relax and get a break from it all. There are some natural and easy ways to do this at home, without spending a fortune on a spa break or a therapist. It’s important to make time for yourself otherwise the effects of stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. There are many new wellness techniques you can try in order to stay calm this year. 

Herbal remedies

A simple and pleasurable way to create a calming atmosphere at home is with aromatherapy. Buy some scented candles or incense, and light them when you get in from work, or in your bathroom while taking a long soak. These are natural and can be very beneficial. Relaxing aromas include lavender, orange, sage, rosemary, peppermint, and frankincense. You can use these scents in massage oils, add to your bath, or even inhale them but adding a couple of drops to a bowl of warm water. There are many other wellness benefits aromatherapy can have. Lavender mist can be used to fragrance your pillow to help you sleep. If you’re having trouble sleeping there are other supplements you can take such as unisom. This is often given to pregnant women. See here for more information in case you are worried unisom is dangerous for women who are pregnant


Mindfulness is a practice based on meditation, which is trending at the moment. It’s recommendable to meditate for a few minutes per day. Aromatherapy can be a good combination with this, as well as some relaxing music. You can try repeating a mantra as well, to remind you that all your problems are more trivial than you might think. Mindfulness is all about thinking clearly and taking your time to relax and be more positive, rather than worrying about the unknown. There are meditation videos available online so you don’t need to even leave your house. 


Exercise is a great way to relieve stress, as well as being essential for your general health and wellbeing. Try to get into a routine. Do different types of exercise such as cardio, strengthening, and toning and flexibility. It’s a good idea to do 30mins of cardio around five times per week, which can include brisk walking, running and even dancing. Other activities such as yoga and pilates are calmer activities with more benefits such as strengthening muscles and improving flexibility. If you stick to a healthy exercise routine you will have an abundance of energy. It’s a proven way to elevate your mood and to build self-confidence as well. 

Take up a new hobby

Having fun is essentially in itself a great way to relieve stress, so try to maximize your leisure time. If you’re stuck in a bit of a rut and feeling depressed, why not shake things up by trying something new. Think about doing something more rewarding and productive such as making your own things at home. There are many household items you can actually make from scratch and this is not only satisfying but better for the environment. If you’re a creative person look into taking an art or craft workshop. You’ll find it more rewarding if you can bring home a “souvenir” from your new hobby. Get back into cooking and take more time to appreciate food. This is the way to take a more mindful attitude to your eating habits as well. 


This is an example of a popular new hobby you could take up. Gardening is seen as a wellness trend at the moment because of its therapeutic benefits. Getting in touch with nature is a great way to gain perspective. Watching new life grow from the help of your care and nurture is very rewarding. It’s a nice way to disconnect and you’ll come back inside feeling more relaxed and centered. Why not try and see what other wild visitors you can attract with a homemade bird-feeder? You can recycle different items in the house quite effectively. Try using a plastic bottle. There are many things you can make by recycling used containers and used household objects, so get creative! It’s a satisfying way to get a new focus and you’ll be doing the environment a favor as well.


Changing the way you eat can help you to benefit more from the energy you get from food. Try eating often and smaller meals, rather than a large dinner. This will give you a steady release of energy so you’re not as exhausted to begin with. Maintain a high protein intake in your diet as this will keep you going for longer. 

It’s important to try and enjoy your food as well. Don’t just eat in a rush and think of it as a way to relax and take a proper break. 

Get some you time

The best way to relax sometimes is to get a bit of time to yourself. This will allow you to disconnect and then be more prepared to deal with your personal relationships. Consider taking yourself off the grid for a couple of hours. You can pre-warn your loved ones that they won’t be able to get hold of you on your phone. Go for a walk, to the movies, or out for a meal alone. It’s important to be able to relax and enjoy your own company. 

Take a trip somewhere on your own. You don’t have to go far, do some research and find somewhere new a short drive away. See what hidden gems you can find near where you live, this might be a local village or woodland area. If you’re lucky enough to live near natural water, this can be a great place to relax. The calming babbling of a brook or the waves of the sea can be very effective. You’ll come back totally rejuvenated.


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