5 Tips For Cooking Quick and Healthy Family Meals

All parents want to provide healthy meals for their children but time doesn’t always allow for it. In the hustle and bustle of life, it can be a struggle to put healthy meals together quickly on a whim. However, with some simple planning, creating delicious meals doesn’t have to be difficult.

Take a look at these top tips for fitting cooking healthy meals into your busy schedule and what you need to do it.

Plan Your Shopping

One of the most important things you can do to make healthy cooking a success is to plan in advance. If you know the meals you want to cook, you can buy the ingredients and have them ready to cook. Take a look at some recipes for quick and easy cooking and list the ingredients before you head to the grocery store.

This will also give you the option to list some healthy snacks to pick up for your children. These come in handy for lunch boxes and pre-meal snacks.

Batch Cook

Are you struggling to cook on Wednesdays because you’re taking one child to soccer practice and the other to dance class? There will be days when healthy cooking seems next to impossible. This is where batch cooking is a life saver.

There are many meals, like casseroles, soups, and pot meals that can be frozen and then reheated when you need them most. So, on your busiest days, you won’t have to cook at all.

Healthy Side Dishes

On the days where you can’t manage to get a healthy meal on plates or you’re all craving pizza instead, it can help to have some healthy side dishes available. A small bowl of salad or a helping of broccoli can ensure you’re still getting the vitamins and nutrients you need.

If your children are fussy, there are tons of healthy side dishes you can whip up quickly. For instance, papas rellenas always go down well and they can be easily made in an air fryer.

Get The Kids Involved

If your children are older, it’s a good idea to get them involved in the cooking with you. It also means that some of the tasks take less time to complete and everyone gets to eat sooner. Simple jobs like chopping up some salad or prepping vegetables can help.

It’s a great way for your kids to work up an appetite and gain a sense of achievement when the finished meal is presented.

Cheat Meals

If you really want to save time, you can pick up a cheat meal. Most grocery stores offer pre-chopped bags of vegetables or microwaveable vegetables. There are many ways you can put a healthy meal on your family’s plates in less than ten minutes.

Take a browse through your grocery store’s quick cook selection to get some inspiration for throughout the week.

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